

Neurotoxin, a term synonymous with beauty and rejuvenation in aesthetics, refers to non-invasive injectable treatments such as Jeuveau. These neurotoxins temporarily paralyze the muscles responsible for causing wrinkles and fine lines. and Jeuveau is primarily used to treat dynamic wrinkles resulting from repeated facial expressions. These treatments suit individuals looking to achieve a more youthful appearance without surgery.

Jeuveau can effectively target areas such as the forehead, crow’s feet, and frown lines, providing a smoother, more youthful complexion. These treatments are suitable for both men and women seeking to enhance their facial appearance and reduce the signs of aging. Belle Piel Aesthetics in Farmingville, NY, offers expert and Jeuveau treatments to help you achieve a more youthful and refreshed look. Our highly skilled professionals can assess your unique goals and tailor a treatment plan that suits you best. Say goodbye to unwanted wrinkles and hello to a revitalized you by scheduling a consultation with us today!

Forehead and Scowl Lines


If you want to soften those pesky horizontal forehead lines and restore your youthful and relaxed appearance, Jeuveau can work wonders! These fantastic treatments are incredibly effective at smoothing and softening those lines so you can feel confident and refreshed.

Are you tired of those deep frown lines between your eyebrows? Look no further than Jeuveau, also known as “11 lines.” These injectables can help you achieve a more relaxed and approachable appearance by reducing those pesky vertical lines. Say goodbye to a furrowed brow and hello to a more radiant and confident you!

Scowl Lines


Are you tired of those deep frown lines between your eyebrows? Look no further than Jeuveau, also known as “11 lines.” These injectables can help you achieve a more relaxed and approachable appearance by reducing those pesky vertical lines. Say goodbye to a furrowed brow and hello to a more radiant and confident you!

Crow's Feet


Transform your appearance with the incredible benefits of  Jeuveau! These powerful treatments effectively diminish those pesky lines and wrinkles around the eyes, known as “crow’s feet,” giving you a refreshed, youthful glow. You’ll be amazed at how vibrant and rested you look!

Bunny Lines


These are the lines that appear on the sides of the nose when you scrunch it, resembling a bunny’s nose twitch. Jeuveau can be used to minimize the appearance of these lines, providing a balanced and harmonious facial expression. Don’t let these lines detract from your natural beauty any longer. Take action and reclaim your confidence today.

Brow Lift


Looking for a way to achieve a more youthful and refreshed glow without going under the knife? Look no further! By skillfully injecting  Jeuveau along your brow line, you can experience a subtle but remarkable lift that will leave you looking and feeling your best.

Lip Flip/Lip Lines


A Lip Flip treatment with  Jeuveau involves strategically relaxing the muscles around the upper lip, which results in a subtle upward curl of the lip’s edges. This technique helps reduce the visibility of vertical lip lines and creates a more inviting and youthful appearance when you smile, enhancing your overall facial aesthetics.

Gummy Smile


Jeuveau treatments are highly effective in helping to relax the muscles that contribute to a “gummy smile” to feel more confident and comfortable in your skin. With their proven results and safety, these treatments are perfect for anyone looking to improve their smile.

Dimpled Chin


Jeuveau treatments have been proven to work wonders in significantly reducing the appearance of a dimpled chin. Not only does this lead to a more sophisticated and sleek jawline, but it can also boost your confidence and make you feel great about yourself. So why not try it and see the amazing results for yourself?

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)


If you have hyperhidrosis, Jeuveau can effectively alleviate excessive sweating by blocking the signals that trigger sweat production. Don’t let excessive sweating hold you back – confidently take control of your life.

Masseter (TMJ) / Face Slimming


For those experiencing TMJ disorder, neurotoxins can be an effective treatment option. These powerful substances target the masseter muscles, reducing their size and strength to alleviate painful symptoms. Additionally, neurotoxin treatment can help sculpt and contour the face, resulting in a more youthful and attractive appearance. If you’re looking for a safe and dependable solution to ease TMJ discomfort, neurotoxin treatment may be a worthwhile consideration.

Dimpled chin & Marionette Lines


Transform your appearance with our specialized treatments for dimpled chin and marionette lines. Our expert providers use Jeuveau and dermal fillers to smooth out uneven skin texture on the chin and diminish the vertical lines running from the corners of your mouth to your chin. With our personalized and effective solutions, you can achieve a more polished, youthful look and restore your confidence. Book your consultation today and discover the difference!

Benefits of Neurotoxin


You can expect each session to last between 15 and 30 minutes, perfect for anyone with a busy schedule.

Discomfort is minimal and brief during the injections. Some patients may experience slight stinging, which can be alleviated with a topical numbing cream.

Results vary, but many patients notice improvements within a few days to a week.

Yes, you can resume your daily activities right after the procedure, as there is little to no downtime.

Maintenance treatments are usually recommended every three to six months to maintain optimal results.

Yes, when administered by trained professionals, Dysport and Jeuveau are considered safe and effective treatments for wrinkle reduction.


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